jueves, 20 de junio de 2019

best online pencil drawing classes

I am always on the lookout for ways to improve my drawing skills. I do this by hunting around the Internet to see if I can find new tutorials. Yesterday I stumbled across a cool pencil drawing site that I think is going to make a HUGE difference, especially if you want to draw realistically.

It is a pencil drawing course that

specializes in taking beginners and teaching them how to draw in a realistic style. The course itself is online video, so you can access it from anywhere in the world - the videos worked perfectly on my tablet and phone.

Each class is two hours long so you can even draw with which watching the video, nothing is left to the imagination. The course starts off by showing you all the equipment you need and the basic strokes. Even in this video I picked up a cool tip for erasing.

What I like is that each lesson builds on the previous so you are never thrown into the deep. Each class has it's own concept or technique that you need to master, for example, in the second class you learn how to spot the different tonal values. In this class Nolan (the instructor) uses different styrofoam objects to show you the light affects the tonal values. The way he explains it makes it so easy to understand, like theory being explained in a practical way.

With each class you get a downloadable template which you can print out and use that to transfer to your drawing paper. You then also get a high quality photo of the reference and the final drawing. They are laid out in the pdf in such a way that when you print it out, each are exactly the same size. This makes it easy to judge sizes while drawing.

In each class you complete a drawing project. Like in the second class you draw a realistic spoon. At the beginning of the class I though it was going to be difficult, but after watching the explanations at the start of the class and the practical demo, it turned out to be quite easy.

The next four lessons are also still life drawings. There is an onion and garlic still life, transparent wine glass, rose and an apple drawing. In each of these you learn all about creating texture and depth in your drawings as well as drawing negatively and how to draw reflective objects.

From there you start drawing portraits. Nolan shows you how to draw all the major features like the eyes and mouth. What I liked was that he shows you what to look out for with each one. Once you have completed say the ear class, you will be able to draw any ear and not just the one from the class itself.

What really makes this course stand out from the rest is that it goes much deeper than any of the other courses I have seen. There are even classes on how to draw material textures and hands.

I am still busy with the course myself - it's massive (there is over 32 hours worth of video in this course), but I know that my drawings are going to move up a few levels when I'm done.

The course is brand new, so is currently on a launch special at less than half price. Why don't you go and check it out for yourself, you may be able to still bag yourself this bargain as well.

awesome pencil drawing course


I thought I would fire off a quick to let you know about an awesome pencil drawing course that a friend of mine has just released.

The course is a very comprehensive video series containing 13 lessons plus a heap of bonuses. Each lesson is two hours long so you can even draw with if you want. The first few lessons get you off to a flying start with all the basics being covered. You will be amazed at what you will be able to draw after even just these lessons.

From there you move on to portrait drawing. This is easily the most comprehensive portrait series I have ever seen. You not only learn all the basics (eye, mouth, etc.) like all the other courses do. This course goes way beyond that! You will learn how to draw the neck, cheeks, chins, beards, moustaches, hands, clothing, even hyper realistic portraits are covered.

What I really like about the course is that you aren't just shown how to draw each picture, Nolan actually explains his thinking behind what he is drawing. That allows you to draw for example ANY ear and not just the class ear.

The course is currently available at a huge discount - less than half price. I don't think the price is going to stay there for very long as it's way too cheap for what you get (32 hours of video lessons plus pdf downloads).

Go check it out before the introductory offer ends:

online pencil drawing course


I just found an awesome online pencil drawing course which I know you are going to love.

The course teaches you how to draw
ANYTHING realistically - from onions to hands to hyper realistic portraits.

The course is brand new, so is currently available at less than half price as a launch special.

Go check it out, you will be glad you did:

domingo, 28 de octubre de 2018

how to play guitar

This is PERFECT for anyone impossible to shop for... 

is intended to be used to buy the program as a gift

​Hey, it's NAME.

I know a lot of newsletter reader will probably find it extremely helpful.

Do you have anyone in your life that is just impossible to shop for?

I was recently my uncles birthday as well as my nephews in the same week (it's a family tradition to celebrate their birthdays together).

The problem, is that my uncle is the kind of man who never really needs or wants anything. He asked for some plain white t-shirts, socks, and batteries; but I told him that was too impersonal.

And my 14yr old nephew is constantly obsessed with something new for about a week, and then moving on to the new "life obsession"...

So there I am, wracking my brain about what to get each of them...

When I came across a site that made me stop in my tracks​ and pay attention...

To See It For Yourself 

​It's called "Rock Guitar Mastery" and I could not have found a more perfect present for each of them.

My uncle said he feel 20years younger, and actually has a lot more energy too. He's thrilled that he can now play a lot of his favorite songs, and it's definitely brought a spark in him I thought he lost for good.

And my nephew totally dove right in to everything completely excited... 

Learning to play guitar has kept his focus and attention better than anything I've seen before.

He's more creative, and excited to finish his homework after school, so he can practice every night...

 For The PERFECT Gift 

Seriously, what could be better than giving the gift of music?

It's perfect for anyone who's difficult to shop for... Or just that person you want to share an incredible skill with.

So click on the link below, and see it all for yourself...

 Right Now To See It For Yourself

play rock guitar Let's take a break from the usual... This is too cool to pass up

You joined my  list because you wanted to learn more about [INSERT INDUSTRY/NICHE/SPECIFIC PROMISE]...

And while I really enjoy getting to help you ​with that, sometime I find something so cool...

So revolutionary...

And so beneficial in so many areas of your life, that I just couldn't help but share it with you...

To See For Yourself 

​​​​​​What's I've ​got for you today is something that will benefit you in the following ways:

​Your creativity and focus will immediately go into overdrive...

You'll learn an awesome new skill that you, and your friends won't get enough of...

It will INSTANTLY make you as cool as a rock star...

You'll be able to keep this skill for just yourself, or impress the people around you...

Women will immediately start showing A LOT more interest and attraction towards you...

Oh, and lastly....


 To Become A Freakin' Rock Guitar Master 

​Seriously, what could ever be cooler than that?

​Imagine holding that axe in your hand, busting out some awesome riffs, and watching the shock and awe come over everyone's faces, as their jaw hits the floor...

​So I need you to click on the link below, and check out this awesome video that will show you just how simple, fun, and fast you are going to be able to make it your reality.

To Become A Rock Guitar Master 

One skill no woman can resist..play rock guitar


If you've ever been to a rock concert before, you've probably seen tons of women going absolutely nuts (screaming at the tops of their lungs, taking their shirts off, and even throwing themselves at the musicians).

 It doesn't matter if it's a professional musician, or just a normal guy who's got a bit of skill...

Women simply can't help themselves around musicians.

And there's no musician that gets more attention from women than a guitarist...

To See For Yourself 

​​Unfortunately, it typically takes most people a few years of practice to become even remotely decent at the guitar...

That was, until today!

 below right now...

Because, you're going to discover a super simple method that will help you become a MUCH better guitarist in just a few weeks; than mot people are after years of hard work and practice.

To Become A Rock Guitar Master... FAST! 

​What could possibly be better than mastering one of the coolest skills in the entire world...

AND getting more more attention from beautiful women, than ever before...

So do yourself a, click on the link below, watch the incredible video that will show you have to quickly and easily become a real rock guitar master... And thank me later.

Learn to play rock guitar in just a few weeks... This video shows you how


I remembered when i was younger, I tried learning to play the guitar.  

After a few years of picking it up and putting it down (a ton of times), I can proudly say I learned how about 1/2 of a complete song...

Sarcasm aside, it was really frustrating working so long and so hard, and still seeing barely any results...

Then recently, I came across a really eye opening video and something just 'clicked' in my brain.

To See For Yourself 

​I grabbed by guitar, dusted it off, and began following along.

And what happened next was pretty amazing...

Everything made perfect sense, and each lesson ​started right where the previous one left off...

Within just a few weeks I was playing better than I had been when I took a few years worth of lessons.

The best part is that this system is perfect for absolute beginners, as well as more experienced players.

So if you've ever wanted to learn to play guitar like a real rock master...

Or if you want to improve your chops and take your playing to the next level, you're going to want to click on the link below and watch one of the coolest videos you'll ever see.

To Play Guitar Like A Real Rock Master