domingo, 28 de octubre de 2018

how to play guitar

This is PERFECT for anyone impossible to shop for... 

is intended to be used to buy the program as a gift

​Hey, it's NAME.

I know a lot of newsletter reader will probably find it extremely helpful.

Do you have anyone in your life that is just impossible to shop for?

I was recently my uncles birthday as well as my nephews in the same week (it's a family tradition to celebrate their birthdays together).

The problem, is that my uncle is the kind of man who never really needs or wants anything. He asked for some plain white t-shirts, socks, and batteries; but I told him that was too impersonal.

And my 14yr old nephew is constantly obsessed with something new for about a week, and then moving on to the new "life obsession"...

So there I am, wracking my brain about what to get each of them...

When I came across a site that made me stop in my tracks​ and pay attention...

To See It For Yourself 

​It's called "Rock Guitar Mastery" and I could not have found a more perfect present for each of them.

My uncle said he feel 20years younger, and actually has a lot more energy too. He's thrilled that he can now play a lot of his favorite songs, and it's definitely brought a spark in him I thought he lost for good.

And my nephew totally dove right in to everything completely excited... 

Learning to play guitar has kept his focus and attention better than anything I've seen before.

He's more creative, and excited to finish his homework after school, so he can practice every night...

 For The PERFECT Gift 

Seriously, what could be better than giving the gift of music?

It's perfect for anyone who's difficult to shop for... Or just that person you want to share an incredible skill with.

So click on the link below, and see it all for yourself...

 Right Now To See It For Yourself

play rock guitar Let's take a break from the usual... This is too cool to pass up

You joined my  list because you wanted to learn more about [INSERT INDUSTRY/NICHE/SPECIFIC PROMISE]...

And while I really enjoy getting to help you ​with that, sometime I find something so cool...

So revolutionary...

And so beneficial in so many areas of your life, that I just couldn't help but share it with you...

To See For Yourself 

​​​​​​What's I've ​got for you today is something that will benefit you in the following ways:

​Your creativity and focus will immediately go into overdrive...

You'll learn an awesome new skill that you, and your friends won't get enough of...

It will INSTANTLY make you as cool as a rock star...

You'll be able to keep this skill for just yourself, or impress the people around you...

Women will immediately start showing A LOT more interest and attraction towards you...

Oh, and lastly....


 To Become A Freakin' Rock Guitar Master 

​Seriously, what could ever be cooler than that?

​Imagine holding that axe in your hand, busting out some awesome riffs, and watching the shock and awe come over everyone's faces, as their jaw hits the floor...

​So I need you to click on the link below, and check out this awesome video that will show you just how simple, fun, and fast you are going to be able to make it your reality.

To Become A Rock Guitar Master 

One skill no woman can rock guitar


If you've ever been to a rock concert before, you've probably seen tons of women going absolutely nuts (screaming at the tops of their lungs, taking their shirts off, and even throwing themselves at the musicians).

 It doesn't matter if it's a professional musician, or just a normal guy who's got a bit of skill...

Women simply can't help themselves around musicians.

And there's no musician that gets more attention from women than a guitarist...

To See For Yourself 

​​Unfortunately, it typically takes most people a few years of practice to become even remotely decent at the guitar...

That was, until today!

 below right now...

Because, you're going to discover a super simple method that will help you become a MUCH better guitarist in just a few weeks; than mot people are after years of hard work and practice.

To Become A Rock Guitar Master... FAST! 

​What could possibly be better than mastering one of the coolest skills in the entire world...

AND getting more more attention from beautiful women, than ever before...

So do yourself a, click on the link below, watch the incredible video that will show you have to quickly and easily become a real rock guitar master... And thank me later.

Learn to play rock guitar in just a few weeks... This video shows you how


I remembered when i was younger, I tried learning to play the guitar.  

After a few years of picking it up and putting it down (a ton of times), I can proudly say I learned how about 1/2 of a complete song...

Sarcasm aside, it was really frustrating working so long and so hard, and still seeing barely any results...

Then recently, I came across a really eye opening video and something just 'clicked' in my brain.

To See For Yourself 

​I grabbed by guitar, dusted it off, and began following along.

And what happened next was pretty amazing...

Everything made perfect sense, and each lesson ​started right where the previous one left off...

Within just a few weeks I was playing better than I had been when I took a few years worth of lessons.

The best part is that this system is perfect for absolute beginners, as well as more experienced players.

So if you've ever wanted to learn to play guitar like a real rock master...

Or if you want to improve your chops and take your playing to the next level, you're going to want to click on the link below and watch one of the coolest videos you'll ever see.

To Play Guitar Like A Real Rock Master 

You, a bonafide rock star

Yes! Seriously...


I think it's safe to say that ​there's not many things cooler than being a real rock star.

Imagine how awesome it must be to stand up there on stage, guitar in hand, and an audience of screaming fans...

I don't know if there are even words to describe how that must feel...  

Let's be honest, how many people actually get to experience that life, but luckily for you I found the next best thing...

Now, not only is this an amazingly cool skill, but it's also a ton of fun to learn; as well as impressive and sexy...

On top of that, it's been proven to reduce stress, give you an immediate endorphin rush, improve your mood, and really get your creative juices flowing.

Click HERE To Discover What I'm Talking About For Yourself 

So do yourself a favor, click on the link below and learn one of the coolest skills of all time...

Trust me, you'll be beyond thrilled with this.

Right Now To Bring Out your Inner Rock Star 

Private one-on-One belly dance class..

I told you about BellyDancingCourse 
yesterday if you've not checked it out,
here it is again:

** Price is GOING UP in 24 hours time **

As I've said, this is best online
belly dance class in the market
the and private coaching by Mariella
is invaluable for beginners.

Whether you're just starting out or you're a 
seasoned dancer, you'll get something out
of this course. Learn new moves, combinations
and layers to your routine!

BellyDancingCourse is guaranteed to shorten 
the learning curve and makes this the Easiest, 
Fastest and MOST EFFECTIVE belly dancing class.

You'll love it.

So hurry...before this offer ends (time-sensitve):

Take care and talk soon.

Mariella is removing the special offer
in 24 hours time so get in while it's cheap...


Learn belly dancing from home with over 6 hours, 50 video lessons.

If you're interested in belly dancing like me, you've
got to check this out now:

I'm SUPER excited because this is arguably the 
best online belly dancing class Ive ever bought.

Mariella's Belly Dancing Course is by far the
most complete belly dancing class on the Internet.

Here's an overview:

- Over 50 videos lessons, 8 hours of classes
- Covers all moves from beginner to advanced
- One-on-One private coaching by Skype
- Easy, fun and step-by-step instructions
- 5 different dance styles, 3 seperate teachers
- Multiple viewing angles, full body and up-close views
- High quality, award-winning production
- Online streaming, downloads and DVDs

Pretty impressive for an online class...

Go take a look at it yourself:

If you're getting started with belly dancing
or you're looking to improve your technique,
you're gonna LOVE this course.

Nothing in the market comes close to the sheer
amount of content being offered here. This is the closest
thing you'll get compared to a real dance class

Check it out now as the discount offer ends in 2 days:

online belly dancing lessons

BellyDancingCourse is an online belly dance class that has been gaining in popularity, but is it effective? Here's a review of its pros and cons.

Mariella of BellyDancingCourse offers over 50 videos (over 8 hours) of belly dance instruction and promises a fun, engaging and easy way to learn belly dancing. 

Judging from the content being offered, this course is relatively inexpensive compared to other belly dancing DVDs. But lets take a closer look at its pros and cons.

The Pros:

- BellyDancingCourse is one of the most comprehensive class on belly dancing I've seen. It includes 5 major routines taught by 3 different teachers. It covers almost every move, including advanced combinations and performances. As such it is great for both beginners and experts alike.

- One-on-One coaching is priceless. Mariella offers private individual coaching by skype and email. This is indeed invaluable for anyone starting in belly dancing and its the closest thing you can get as compared to a real live dance class.

- This high-caliber package has earned accolades for Mariella's clear and supportive teaching style, her attention to solid technique, as well as for its exceptional production quality. It's fun, easy to follow and "holds your hand" at every step of the way.

- You get the convenient option of watching online, downloading all the videos or getting the DVD edition.

- Also, BellyDancingCourse is the only online course I've ever see to offer a full money back guarantee. That means if you're not completely satisfied with the course, you will get your money back. It makes this a risk-free to try it out.

The Cons:

- As with any dance class, the best learning environment is in a real class. However, BellyDancingCourse is the closest thing you can get if you don't have the time or money to sign up for a class in your area. The one-on-one private coaching by Mariella really seperates this from other similar online courses.

- It may be a little overwhelming at first due to the huge amount of content. However, all videos are organized by category so if you're a beginner, you should start with the basics right at the top.

Here's the bottom line:

Overall, there is no doubt that BellyDancingCourse is a very comprehensive and detailed online class that comes with a great amount of content and exceptional video production.

The private coaching by Mariella makes this course head and shoulders above any other similar course on belly dancing

I highly recommend this course and if you're looking to start belly dancing, this will be perfect companion to get started with.

What everybody ought to know about Freestyle Rapping

Did you know that...

freestyle rapping can cure wriiters block?

No matter what genre of music you're into

Learning how to freestyle rap can help you immediately 
relieve stressers of daily life... you can get back to coming up with new and fresh ideas.

Watch this video to add this skill to your songwriting tool belt. 

Trick anyone into start rapping with this...

My friend Pat just released
these 4 steps that can teach anyone...

...(even his grandma)...

How to freestyle rap.

Watch the video here:

It works.

Freestyle Rapping Cures Writers Block?

My friend Pat has written 100's of songs and he says he's owes it all to learning how to freestyle rap when he was 16

He's written folk, grunge, rap, and electronic music and it all started with the 2 golden rules.

He's giving away the 2 golden rules that helped him conquer his fear of singing and rapping in this video:


Teach your friends how to rap in 4 steps?

What if you could teach your friends how to rap in less than 10 minutes?

I'll tell you what...

You guys will be having a lot of fun on road trips.

Watch this video to get the 4 steps that 
will teach your friends how to rap in less than 10 minutes.

Even his grandma was able to start rapping 

after going through these 4 steps. 

Hope you like the video,

He taught his grandma how to rap with this

My homie Pat taught his grandma how to rap with 4 (simple) steps. 

Check out the video here:

He's taught 100's of foster kids and adults how to start rapping and it works like crazy. 

Watch him teach his grandma here:

Take care,

Learn how freestyle rapping  can help with song writing. 

My friend Pat learned how  to freestyle rap and then started writing hundreds of guitar, folkrock and rap songs

 He credits freestyle rapping  for helping him conquer his fear of  writing and performing original music.

 Now he's paying it forward by teaching  people how to freestyle  rap live in this video  See how they do.    Hope this helps.

sábado, 27 de octubre de 2018

Which tattoo colors can you remove?

Hey Dorian,

I got some pretty wicked tattoos: tribal stamp around my left wrist, my own words to live by on my upper back. But my biggest one is my flower blossom that uses quite a few colors. Is this going to be a problem if I decide to remove it? Thanks man"

It definitely makes things more complicated, that's for sure. Some tattoo removal methods are very sensitive to the type of ink pigment being used.

For example with laser methods, black and red pigment won't be an issue. But others will especially if they're lighter. The problem is that lasers have difficulty targeting these ink layers.

Nontraditional colors, nontraditional methods

The flip side of the coin is that it doesn't matter if you're tattoo is pink, purple, or some crazy lime green if you use methods like the apricot scrub mentioned in my guide .
That's because exfoliation methods don't discriminate, they simply wear off dead layers of skin until the tattoo is exfoliated.

Of course this is one of several methods discussed in the guide.


Another thing you need to keep in mind especially if you're considering another tattoo is "Will this be something I can modify or mask later?" For example pink flower petals will be much harder to mask than black which can be easily turned into a wheel, astrological symbol, or many other things.
But you'll never need to change that tattoo, am I right? There's a reason you're on this page isn't there :) 

I have tattoos of various types on every limb in my body. And I'm perfectly cool with it because I know how to reverse, cover, or modify all of them. As a professional artist and remover, I guess that extra bit of knowledge helps. All I can say is be smart about your upcoming tattoo and always have a backup plan.

What can I do if my tattoo isn't completely faded?

"Dorian, I went to a removal clinic and after several months of treatment, my tattoo isn't gone! They said there is nothing more they can do to fade it!"

This is probably the most common issue with laser removals. You have a level of fade that leaves the tattoo less visible than before you started but still oddly visible, like a ghost tattoo that someone can still see if they look right at it. 

Not a fun place to be.

The good news for you guys who haven't gone through this is that your tattoo is lower risk if it's solid colored. Complicated multicolored tattoos are more difficult to fade because different inks respond in different ways to the ink removal lasers. There's a tendency for part of the tattoo to be more visible than other parts, another reason I recommend doing a cover up as first option (more than just a bit).

High complexity, lower fade

The most difficult tattoos for the lasers are multicolored tattoos that are also highly complex in nature. I'm talking about intricate patterns like sweeping back designs with full on backgrounds and character details down to the hairs and facial gestures. Oh boy, those ones will likely not fade completely. 

The more detail, the more ink used. And if some of the tattoo is flesh colored, red, tan, or white, you can be sure that you're looking at a partial removal from the lasers at best.

Natural removal tends to fade more evenly
As natural removal methods exfoliate the skin, bringing the ink to the top, they are less discriminatory in that sense. The amount of ink used and the different types of color/pigment are less of a factor. A lot of my clients are rather surprised after paying a couple thousand dollars to a laser tattoo removal clinic, and then trying a basic exfoliation process and the rest of the tattoo goes away on its own!

Of course you don't need to wait until a laser removal returns a subpar result. Check out my laserless removal guide if you haven't already for lower cost, at home .

You know why you haven't seen these techniques on TV? Because they're not good moneymakers. They're low-cost and don't require a doctor. Thankfully, ink under the skin isn't a terribly difficult problem to solve, especially with the right ingredients and removal process.