sábado, 27 de octubre de 2018

Tattoo Removal – the ONE thing you need to know

"If you knew before how many months and thousands of dollars it would take to do your laser sessions – would you have done it all over again?"

I think you know the answer these guys give. It's usually not a positive one.

This is what I wish every guy or gal looking to remove a tattoo just did: some more freakin' research!

I mean, at some level I understand the ISSUE:

TV airwaves are flooded with laser tattoo removal as the "end-all be-all" way to remove any and every tattoo.

In case you been living under a rock, there's this thing called exfoliation that removes dead skin cells. And there are methods of accelerating the skin's exfoliation, leading to deeper layers rising to the surface – and tattoo removal in weeks.

Try it sometime. You'll be glad you did!

Learn more about all-natural tattoo removal

Trust me, this will be well worth your while if you have a tattoo you're looking to remove. Safer, easier, and cheaper all rolled into one.

Dorian Davis,
Tattoo artist and remover

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